Baron in The Trees

At the door 10,-

Date Friday 17 February, 2023
Start 21:00
Doors open 20:00

Attention: the concert hall is not accessible for wheelchair users, as there is no lift. Sorry for the inconvenience.

“Baron in The Trees” is a multidisciplinary Performance/Live Concert based on the novel “The Baron in the Trees” by magical-realist writer Italo Calvino. The action revolves around a vivid set design, bringing together on-stage artists from Circus, Dance, Music, Spoken word and Visual Arts. 

A rebellious young boy named Cosimo climbs up a tree, set on spending the rest of his life in an arborescent kingdom above the ground, free of the prejudice and absurdity of life on earth. The performance addresses core existential questions, present in modern society with the irony and humour of a child’s mind.

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